The Deficit for Fiscal 2017

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has finished accounting for the country's finances for Fiscal Year 2017, which ended September 30, 2017. The deficit for the year was $666 billion, and the chart below shows the budget surplus or deficit by month. 

FY 2017 Deficit.jpg

The following are a few highlights.
▪️The deficit was $80 billion more than Fiscal 2016.
▪️Since the CBO initially projected the deficit would be less than 2016, the federal government spent over $100 billion more than initially planned.
▪️Revenues were $3.3 trillion: 1% more than Fiscal 2016.
▪️Expenditures were $4.0 trillion: 3% more than Fiscal 2016.

What do you think about the country's financial results for the past year?