Fiscal 2020 Deficit Through June

The chart below compares the U.S. fiscal 2020 deficit by month with Fiscal 2019. The federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the federal deficit.

The deficit cumulative deficit through June was in excess of $2.7 trillion, This is $2 trillion more than the cumulative deficit through June 2019. The deficit for the month of June was estimated to be $683 billion. That means the U.S. government was overspending by nearly $23 billion per day.

The spending may be fully justified in response to the global health crisis and prevent the U.S. from falling into another Great Depression. However, it remains to be seen how long the U.S. can continue to overspend by $23 billion per day without other short-term or long-term repercussions.

FY 2020 Deficit June.jpg

Fiscal 2019 Deficit Through July

Below is a chart comparing the current year U.S. budget deficit with the prior fiscal year. Through the end of July, the federal government has overspent by $867 billion.

The current year-to-date deficit is $182 billion more than the deficit through July 2018. It’s also more than the deficit for all of Fiscal 2018 (the fiscal year ends on September 30). Based on the current spending, the annual deficit for Fiscal 2019 will exceed $1 trillion.

The last time the deficit exceeded $1 trillion, the U.S. was spending to stave off another Great Depression. At present, the economy is not in recession. Instead, the stock market is reaching all-time record levels, unemployment is at records lows and the economy is booming. Despite these prosperous times, Congress and the President continue to overspend with little regard for the future, or how the U.S. national debt is going to be repaid.

Are you concerned with a $1 trillion annual deficit in the midst of economic prosperity?

FY 2019 Deficit July.jpg

Fiscal 2019 Deficit Through May

The chart below compares the U.S. government’s monthly deficit or surplus for Fiscal Year 2019 with Fiscal Year 2018. Through the end of May, which is seven months into the fiscal year, the U.S. government has overspent by $738 billion.

To make a fair comparison, the May deficit is $50 billion higher, because of June payments made in May. Since June 1 was on Saturday, certain expenditures were paid in May instead of June. If you subtract out this extra $50 billion the deficit was still $688 billion, which is still $155 billion more than the prior seven month period. The CBO still estimates the Fiscal 2019 deficit will be less than $1 trillion, but it wouldn’t take much disruption, either from an economic slowdown or unexpected expenditures, to push beyond the $1 trillion mark.

Excluding the $50 billion timing, the U.S. government is overspending in excess of $22 billion per month. How does that affect you?

FY 2019 Deficit May.jpg

Fiscal 2019 Deficit Through April

The chart below tracks the monthly deficit or surplus of the U.S. government for the current fiscal year, in comparison to the prior year. The deficit through April (the first seven month of the fiscal year) was $531 billion. This is $145 billion more than the first seven months of Fiscal 2018.

According to a recent CBO projection, the U.S. deficit will be near $900 billion by September 30. This is expected to be $100 billion more than the Fiscal 2018 deficit, but less than the initial estimate of $1 trillion. In order to meet this projection, the deficit for the next five months will need to be nearly the same as May through September of 2018.

How likely do you think the federal deficit for the next five months will be equal to the deficit for the same period last year?

FY 2019 Deficit April.jpg

Fiscal 2019 Deficit Through October

The U.S. government started a new fiscal year on October 1, 2018, which will end on September 30, 2019. The federal government overspent by $98 billion in October. The chart below compares the monthly deficit or surplus for the current fiscal year with Fiscal 2018.

FY 2019 Deficit October.jpg

Congress has yet to agree on a budget for Fiscal 2019, nor have they passed all of the required spending bills. To keep the government operating until after the November election, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR), which temporarily funded the government until December. The CR effectively puts the government on autopilot until Congress can pass the necessary fiscal legislation.

The preliminary estimate is the U.S. government will overspend by nearly $1 trillion this year. The deficit may be higher or lower, depending upon the final agreement reached by Congress and the President. Since fiscal issues were not a major campaign issue during the 2018 election cycle, don’t expect Congress to make any significant changes that will reduce the deficit.

How concerned are you that the U.S. government will overspend by nearly $1 trillion this year?

Fiscal 2018 Deficit through August

The chart below compares the monthly deficit for Fiscal 2018 with Fiscal 2017. The cumulative deficit for the first 11 months of the year is $895 billion.

The federal government recorded a whopping $210 billion deficit for August. Since September 1 occurred on Saturday, the government paid approximately $55 billion of expenditures in August which normally would have been paid in September. Excluding this timing difference, the U.S. still would have overspent by $155 billion.

The acceleration of the $55 billion payments into August and the September tax collections will likely result in a monthly surplus for September. However, the U.S. government will overspend in excess of $800 billion this year.

Are you concerned the federal government will record a deficit in excess of $800 billion this year?

FY 2018 Deficit September.jpg

Fiscal 2018 Deficit Through July

The chart below compares the monthly deficit or surplus for the current fiscal year with Fiscal 2017. The U.S. government posted a $74 billion deficit in July, which is $31 billion more than July 2017.

The cumulative deficit through July 2018 is $682 billion; $118 billion more than the $564 billion deficit through July 2017. Based on current projections, the federal government will overspend another $111 billion over the next two months pushing the Fiscal 2018 deficit to $793 billion. 

Congress is currently working on the Fiscal 2019 budget and spending bills. Absent any significant changes, which is unlikely with the mid-term 2018 elections a few weeks away, the federal government will spend $1 trillion more than it collects during Fiscal 2019. 

Even though the U.S. is on the verge of indefinite trillion budget deficits, why do you think fiscal matters are barely mentioned during this election cycle?

FY 2018 Deficit July.jpg

The Cost of Higher Interest Rates

The amount of interest paid by the U.S. government is one of the fastest growing expenditures of the federal government. With a national debt in excess of $21 trillion, small increases in the interest rate results in the government paying billions of dollars in additional interest.

Interest rates have been at historic lows for nearly a decade, but rates are starting to rise. This is good news for investors, but bad news for the federal government. With a $21 trillion debt, a 1% rise in the interest rate will cost the U.S. government $210 billion of additional interest. As illustrated in the chart below, that is more than the federal government spent on eight Departments last year.

Interest Cost and Deparment Expenses.jpg

This additional interest cost will add to the annual overspending and make it more difficult to balance the budget. It will also exacerbate the budget battles in Congress.

Broken Process = Bad Results


If you’re concerned about the continued rise in the federal debt, you’re probably not very pleased with the spending bill that recently passed Congress. The $1.3 trillion spending plan, only covers about 25% of total federal spending. The U.S. government spends another $3 trillion for what is classified as mandatory spending (e.g. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, interest on the debt). 

Although there are a lot of aspects to increased spending, the process is a contributing factor. As one Representative opined, “Nothing good comes from legislation passed at the deadline.” Members of Congress know that last-minute, must-pass legislation is an opportunity for a lot of pork-barrel spending.

Congress has a budget and spending process but hasn’t followed it for years. The process begins with a proposed budget by the President in February. Congress then passes it’s own Budget Resolution by May, followed by 12 different Appropriations (spending) bills, that can be enacted before the beginning of the fiscal year on October 1.

For the current fiscal year, Congress didn’t pass its Budget Resolution until November and just passed the spending bill in March; nearly 6 months after the fiscal started. Instead of passing 12 different spending bills, everything was rolled into one massive 2,200+ page bill, that was passed within 24 hours of being written. 

Following the process doesn’t guarantee a balanced budget or reduced spending. However, Congress’ failure  to follow its budget process is helping to drive increased federal spending.

Do you agree the broken process is leading to bad fiscal results?

Fiscal 2018 Deficit through March

The chart below compares the monthly deficit of Fiscal 2018 with Fiscal 2017. Through the first six months of the fiscal year, the federal government has overspent by $598 billion, which is $73 billion more than the prior year. As a percentage, the deficit is nearly 14% greater than one year ago.

The rate of growth in federal revenues has slowed since the beginning of January. Since most of the tax law changes became effective on January 1, this is not a complete shock, especially since the CBO projected the federal government would collect $1 trillion less over the next decade. Add in the additional spending approved through the Fiscal 2018 Omnibus appropriations bill, and the deficit will continue to increase throughout the rest of the fiscal year.

What do you think of the current increase of the federal deficit?

FY 2018 Deficit March.jpg

Fiscal 2018 Deficit through January

Below is a graph comparing the monthly federal deficit for Fiscal 2018 in comparison to Fiscal 2017.

FY 2018 Deficit January.jpg

The deficit for the first four months of the fiscal year was $174 billion. This is $17 billion higher than the deficit for the first four months of 2017. January's surplus is primarily driven by individuals who pay their last installment of 2017 estimated taxes in early January.

Starting January 1, 2018, the U.S. Treasury expects to receive less tax revenue as a result of the tax reform legislation passed in December 2017. To avoid a government shutdown last in early February, Congress also agreed increase defense and discretionary domestic spending. Therefore, you can expect to see a the deficit each month continue to exceed the prior year, for the rest of Fiscal 2018.

Are you concerned with a rising federal deficit?

President Trump's Fiscal 2019 Budget

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President Trump released his Fiscal 2019 Budget plan this past week. It's rare for Congress to adopt a President's budget. However, it's the first step in the budgetary process, and it outlines the President's plans and priorities.

Below are some highlights of President Trump's plan.

  • Total Fiscal 2019 spending is projected to be $4.4 trillion, with $716 billion allocated for defense and $18 billion to build a wall along the southern border.
  • Additional $200 billion of spending for infrastructure, which was part of the President's $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan.
  • U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to grow by 3% annually.
  • The Fiscal 2019 and 2020 deficits will be approximately $1 trillion each year before slowly decreasing.
  • The plan doesn't project a balanced budget within the next 10 years, and the deficit at the end of the decade is expected to be $450 billion.
  • The U.S. will overspend in excess of $7 trillion over the next decade, pushing the national debt to nearly $28 trillion.
  • The President wants to reduce domestic spending by more than $3 trillion over the decade, despite the agreement by Congress last week to increase domestic spending by $300 billion.

If you recall, President Trump campaigned on balancing the budget and addressing the $20 trillion national debt. Even though his budget isn't likely to become law, it demonstrates the difficulty our leaders face in trying to reduce federal spending and balance the budget. They may have good intentions, but the harsh realities of the difficult choices required and the potential political backlash make it near impossible to achieve.

This is just the first step in the budgetary process, but if the President, who campaigned on fiscal restraint, doesn't propose a balanced budget, don't expect Congress to pass one on their own.

Fiscal 2018 Deficit through December

Below is a graph comparing the monthly deficit for Fiscal 2018 with Fiscal 2017.

FY 2018 Deficit December.jpg

The preliminary December deficit was $26 billion, which is $1 billion less than December 2017. The cumulative deficit for the first three months is $20 billion more than the prior year. Revenues for the first quarter have risen by 4%, but expenditures have risen by 5%. 

Since Congress has yet to finalize the spending for Fiscal 2018. The final appropriations bills could reduce spending and shrink the projected deficit, or they could increase spending and enlarge the deficit.

Do you expect the current year deficit will be larger or smaller than last year?

A New Year - A New Budget


If you're like a lot of people, you create a budget at the beginning of the new year. Budgets are a great way to manage your finances. Putting your income and expenses down on paper can help you better understand how much margin you have in your spending, or if it looks like you're going to come up short. Budgets may not account for every expense or event that may happen, but they are effective financial tools to help you understand your financial obligations, establish priorities and manage your cash flow.

The U.S. government also has an annual budget. However, its fiscal year starts on October 1 rather than January 1. The budget resolution is passed by Congress but doesn't require the signature of the President. The federal budget establishes the guidelines, and the specific spending is determined by separate appropriations bills. 

Although Congress has a budget and spending process, it rarely follows it anymore. Congress didn't pass the Fiscal 2018 budget until November, and none of the appropriations bill have been passed, even though we're more than three months into the current fiscal year. Congress has passed short-term continuing resolutions to keep the U.S. government from shutting down. 

Budgets can be useful financial tools, if used effectively. Individually, budgets should be more than an exercise you conduct at the beginning of the year. You should periodically review and update your budget to check your progress. For the federal government, it should pass a budget and the related appropriations bills before the start of the fiscal year, rather than after several months have passed.

How effective would you rate the federal government's budget process?

U.S. Budget Deficit through November

Below is a graph tracking the monthly federal deficit for Fiscal 2018, which runs from October 2017 through September 2018.

FY 2018 Deficit November.jpg

The federal government overspent by $198 billion in October and November. This compares to the $181 billion deficit through November 2017. Revenues and expenditures both grew at 6% over last year. Since annual expenditures exceed revenues by $600 billion, the cumulative deficit is greater than last year.

Congress has yet to pass the required appropriations for Fiscal 2018, and current spending is determined by temporary funding measures. The current shot-term Continuing Resolution ends January 19, 2018.

Do you think the spending measures approved by Congress will increase or decrease the budget deficit for this year?

The Deficit for Fiscal 2017

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has finished accounting for the country's finances for Fiscal Year 2017, which ended September 30, 2017. The deficit for the year was $666 billion, and the chart below shows the budget surplus or deficit by month. 

FY 2017 Deficit.jpg

The following are a few highlights.
▪️The deficit was $80 billion more than Fiscal 2016.
▪️Since the CBO initially projected the deficit would be less than 2016, the federal government spent over $100 billion more than initially planned.
▪️Revenues were $3.3 trillion: 1% more than Fiscal 2016.
▪️Expenditures were $4.0 trillion: 3% more than Fiscal 2016.

What do you think about the country's financial results for the past year?

The Fiscal 2017 Deficit

The U.S. government's fiscal year ended on September 30, and a new year began on October 1. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the Fiscal 2017 deficit was $668 billion, which is $81 billion more than Fiscal 2016. A year ago, the CBO was projecting the Fiscal 2017 deficit would be less than Fiscal 2016, not $81 billion more. The chart below compares the monthly deficit or surplus to the prior year.

FY 2017 Deficit September.jpg

Total government revenues increased by 1%, but expenditures increased by nearly 3%. As a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the Fiscal 2017 deficit was approximately 3.5% of GDP, up from 3.2% in Fiscal 2016. It's also the second consecutive year the deficit rose as a percentage of GDP, which indicates government spending is growing faster than the U.S. economy.

We're already two weeks into the new fiscal year, and Congress is still a long ways from deciding on government spending for the coming year. To prevent a government shutdown, Congress approved a Continuing Resolution, that effectively continues all Fiscal 2017 spending until mid-December. Since it's unlikely Congress will enact the necessary monetary legislation until close to the deadline, spending for nearly one-fourth of the year will be equal to or greater than last year. Unless Congress enacts spending cuts (which it has been unable to do so far), they have created a situation where the Fiscal 2018 deficit will likely be higher than the most recent $668 billion deficit.

Are you concerned the federal government spent $668 billion more than it received during the last year?

The Fiscal 2017 Deficit through August

Below is a graph tracking the monthly deficit or surplus for the U.S. Government. The year-to-date deficit is $621 billion, and the Congressional Budget Office is projecting a $693 billion deficit for Fiscal 2017, which ends on September 30.The Fiscal 2017 deficit is expected to be $100 billion greater than the Fiscal 2016 deficit.

FY 2017 Deficit August.jpg

From the graph, there is a clear pattern of overspending by the federal government. So far, there are only two months during the year that recorded a surplus, which easily explains why the federal government will post a deficit of nearly $700 billion this year. Since many corporate and individual income tax payments are due today, it's possible that September will also record a surplus, which would bring the total surplus months to three. However, the occasional surplus isn't sufficient to cover the deficits that occur in most months.

What do you think about the federal government spending more than it receives for nine months of the year?

The U.S. Deficit for Fiscal 2017 Through July

The graph below tracks the deficit of the U.S. government for this fiscal year, which ends September 30, in comparison to the monthly deficit for Fiscal 2016. For the first 10 months of the year, the cumulative deficit is $568 billion; $54 billion more than last fiscal year. 

Since July 1, 2017 fell on a Saturday, the federal government made a number of payments in June, that would traditionally be recorded in July. As a result of this timing difference, the June 2017 deficit was much larger, and the July 2017 deficit was less. When combined, the June and July 2017 monthly deficits are $30 billion more than the same two months of 2016.

The deficit for all of Fiscal 2016 was $587 billion. Since the federal government has already overspent by $568 billion for the first 10 months of this fiscal year, it's all but certain the Fiscal 2017 deficit will be higher than Fiscal 2016. This is significant because the deficit was initially projected to decline in Fiscal 2017 and Fiscal 2018, before starting a rapid increase in Fiscal 2019. Since the current year deficit will be higher than last year, the cycle of ever increasing deficits may have already started and will continue indefinitely unless Congress does something to move towards a balanced budget.

What's your reaction to the latest budget deficit numbers?

Government Waste

Congress passed the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 that was intended to eliminate improper payments made by the federal government. The legislation also requires the General Accounting Office to issue an annual report on the effectiveness of the government in identifying and eliminating improper payments.

The report on Fiscal 2015 spending was recently released and the findings were not encouraging. Of the 15 agencies examined, the total improper payments were estimated to be $132 billion. This represents nearly 4% of all federal spending in Fiscal 2015. While these are only estimates, the percentage and amount is fairly consistent with prior years.

It's currently estimated the federal government made improper payments of $1.2 trillion between 2003 and 2016. This means that at least 5% of the $20 trillion national debt is a result of waste, fraud and abuse. To add more salt to the wound, there doesn't seem to be any major shift in the near future that will dramatically reduce the amount of improper payments.

What is your reaction to the federal government wasting more than $1 trillion because of financial mismanagement?