The Fiscal 2017 Deficit through August

Below is a graph tracking the monthly deficit or surplus for the U.S. Government. The year-to-date deficit is $621 billion, and the Congressional Budget Office is projecting a $693 billion deficit for Fiscal 2017, which ends on September 30.The Fiscal 2017 deficit is expected to be $100 billion greater than the Fiscal 2016 deficit.

FY 2017 Deficit August.jpg

From the graph, there is a clear pattern of overspending by the federal government. So far, there are only two months during the year that recorded a surplus, which easily explains why the federal government will post a deficit of nearly $700 billion this year. Since many corporate and individual income tax payments are due today, it's possible that September will also record a surplus, which would bring the total surplus months to three. However, the occasional surplus isn't sufficient to cover the deficits that occur in most months.

What do you think about the federal government spending more than it receives for nine months of the year?