A New Year - A New Budget


If you're like a lot of people, you create a budget at the beginning of the new year. Budgets are a great way to manage your finances. Putting your income and expenses down on paper can help you better understand how much margin you have in your spending, or if it looks like you're going to come up short. Budgets may not account for every expense or event that may happen, but they are effective financial tools to help you understand your financial obligations, establish priorities and manage your cash flow.

The U.S. government also has an annual budget. However, its fiscal year starts on October 1 rather than January 1. The budget resolution is passed by Congress but doesn't require the signature of the President. The federal budget establishes the guidelines, and the specific spending is determined by separate appropriations bills. 

Although Congress has a budget and spending process, it rarely follows it anymore. Congress didn't pass the Fiscal 2018 budget until November, and none of the appropriations bill have been passed, even though we're more than three months into the current fiscal year. Congress has passed short-term continuing resolutions to keep the U.S. government from shutting down. 

Budgets can be useful financial tools, if used effectively. Individually, budgets should be more than an exercise you conduct at the beginning of the year. You should periodically review and update your budget to check your progress. For the federal government, it should pass a budget and the related appropriations bills before the start of the fiscal year, rather than after several months have passed.

How effective would you rate the federal government's budget process?