Fiscal 2019 Deficit Through July

Below is a chart comparing the current year U.S. budget deficit with the prior fiscal year. Through the end of July, the federal government has overspent by $867 billion.

The current year-to-date deficit is $182 billion more than the deficit through July 2018. It’s also more than the deficit for all of Fiscal 2018 (the fiscal year ends on September 30). Based on the current spending, the annual deficit for Fiscal 2019 will exceed $1 trillion.

The last time the deficit exceeded $1 trillion, the U.S. was spending to stave off another Great Depression. At present, the economy is not in recession. Instead, the stock market is reaching all-time record levels, unemployment is at records lows and the economy is booming. Despite these prosperous times, Congress and the President continue to overspend with little regard for the future, or how the U.S. national debt is going to be repaid.

Are you concerned with a $1 trillion annual deficit in the midst of economic prosperity?

FY 2019 Deficit July.jpg