Fiscal 2019 Deficit Through October

The U.S. government started a new fiscal year on October 1, 2018, which will end on September 30, 2019. The federal government overspent by $98 billion in October. The chart below compares the monthly deficit or surplus for the current fiscal year with Fiscal 2018.

FY 2019 Deficit October.jpg

Congress has yet to agree on a budget for Fiscal 2019, nor have they passed all of the required spending bills. To keep the government operating until after the November election, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR), which temporarily funded the government until December. The CR effectively puts the government on autopilot until Congress can pass the necessary fiscal legislation.

The preliminary estimate is the U.S. government will overspend by nearly $1 trillion this year. The deficit may be higher or lower, depending upon the final agreement reached by Congress and the President. Since fiscal issues were not a major campaign issue during the 2018 election cycle, don’t expect Congress to make any significant changes that will reduce the deficit.

How concerned are you that the U.S. government will overspend by nearly $1 trillion this year?